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Opportunities are numerous for those who wish to become an ultrasound technician in Wyoming. The ultrasound technician and the sonographer are care providers who handle diagnostic imaging equipment to perform tests on patients for healthcare employers. For those who are interested in advancing into the healthcare profession and healthcare careers on Wyoming, this is often a good entry-level option since its education and training prerequisites are easier to satisfy and the work itself provides good opportunities for interaction with other team members.

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Becoming an ultrasound technician in Wyoming

Each of the four steps needed to become an ultrasound technician in Wyoming are reviewed below.

Step 1: Get your high school diploma or G.E.D.

All candidates have to get their high school diploma to be eligible for ultrasound tech training in Wyoming.

Step 2: Sign-up for an approved WY ultrasound technician school

The list below is all the approved ultrasound tech training programs in Wyoming.

Laramie County Community College Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician 1400 E College Dr Cheyenne WY 82007-3299 307-778-5222-1357

Step 3: Graduate from the Wyoming course and all mandatory training hours

Graduating from a Wyoming accredited ultrasound tech training program is crucial, as you won’t be able to move forward to the following step without having done so. Courses in Wyoming will require you to finish a minimum number of training hours in a clinical setting.

You will not be deemed eligible to challenge any certification tests unless you have fulfilled this prerequisite.

Step 4: Acquire an RDMS certification in Wyoming

In Wyoming, you’ll be required to pass one of the nationally-administered exams for ultrasound technician certification. The examinations incorporate sections on every major area of knowledge you would’ve covered in your training course.

All major national certification examinations recognized in Wyoming are outlined at the link here.

Ultrasound tech salary and jobs in Wyoming

In Wyoming, as well as the rest of the nation, the demand is extremely high for ultrasound technicians. Through 2026, the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects a 30% increase in additional positions for ultrasound technicians in Wyoming. Typical places of work are: hospitals, physicians offices and general care facilities. The chance to work under different healthcare professionals and physicians also makes being a ultrasound tech the ideal stepping-stone to different roles in healthcare in Wyoming. Below you will find a list of the major towns and cities in Wyoming and further information on ultrasound technician pay by location and county. All data come from the website of

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$23.39$33.49$47.64