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Did you know that the best time to start the process to become an ultrasound technician in South Carolina is right now? All ultrasound technicians in the state of South Carolina are enjoying wonderful demand for the career as a whole and the growth of the job is tremendous! Also, because the job does not require a an advanced degree, most training and certification prerequisites can often be finished within a year or two, and may make a first step towards more advanced positions in the medical industry. The growth for allied health positions in South Carolina is at an all time high and the time to get in the action could not be any better than right now.

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Become an ultrasound tech in South Carolina

The four-part approach for becoming an ultrasound technician in South Carolina is outlined below.

Step 1: Get your high school diploma or GED

Make sure you have earned your diploma from high school or yu have a GED before you think of enrolling in to accredited ultrasound tech training in South Carolina.

Step 2: Sign-up for an accredited South Carolina ultrasound tech school

Below is the list of accredited ultrasound technician schools in South Carolina.

Horry-Georgetown Technical College 2050 Highway 501 East Conway SC 29526 843-347-3186 Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
Greenville Technical College 506 S Pleasantburg Dr Greenville SC 29606 864-250-8000 Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician

Step 3: Graduate from the course and all mandatory study hours

Be sure to complete all the clinical training hours and your accredited sonography training program in South Carolina. You must do that before you become eligible for taking the certification examination in South Carolina.

Step 4: Get an RDMS certification in the state of South Carolina

We break down the process to take the exam and the national certification exams recognized in South Carolina are shown here at this link. We cover what to do on the day of the exam, how to prepare for the test the right way and more.

Ultrasound tech salary and jobs in South Carolina

There’s a higher than average need for ultrasound techs throughout the state of South Carolina. The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts 23% in the State of South Carolina through 2026. Popular workplaces in South Carolina are in hospitals, physicians offices and general care facilities. Certain government organizations across South Carolina additionally employ medical assistants, nurse aides and orderlies. The chance to work under different healthcare professionals and physicians also makes working as a ultrasound technician an excellent stepping-stone to other jobs in healthcare in South Carolina. All the data and information for ultrasound technicians in South Carolina by location and county is from the website of, be sure to take a look at the table below.

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$23.39$33.49$47.64
South CarolinaHourly$21.47$29.89$38.51
Spartanburg, SC MSAHourly$26.15$32.99$38.49
Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC MSAHourly$25.67$32.01$38.23
Greenville-Mauldin-Easley, SC MSAHourly$25.01$31.40$38.88
Charleston-North Charleston-Summerville, SC MSAHourly$24.79$31.20$38.92
Florence, SC MSAHourly$22.41$30.95$47.50
Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC-SC MSAHourly$25.38$30.55$37.99
Columbia, SC MSAHourly$20.68$28.49$38.61
Myrtle Beach-North Myrtle Beach-Conway, SC MSAHourly$17.56$28.24$36.64
Upper Savannah South Carolina BOSHourly$19.70$27.09$36.12