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If you choose to get on the pathway to become an ultrasound technician in Arizona, you will have the opportunity to launch a career in the Arizona healthcare system that is among the most-popular in the entire state. The time for entrance in to the field of diagnostic medical sonography could not be any brighter or better. See the details of how to get a certification in sonography in Arizona, how to choose the perfect accredited program for you and more below!

Find Ultrasound Tech Classes in Arizona

How to become an ultrasound technician in Arizona

Each one of the four steps required to become an ultrasound tech in Arizona are reviewed below.

Step 1: Get your high school diploma or G.E.D.

Receiving your high school diploma is one of the basic fundamentals to finding work in any skilled job and will be demanded for entry in to accredited sonographer training in Arizona.

Step 2: Sign-up for an approved ultrasound tech school in AZ

All the schools that are listed below are the accredited ultrasound technician and sonography program options in Arizona.

GateWay Community College 108 N. 40th Street Phoenix AZ 85034 602-392-5000 Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
Central Arizona College 8470 N Overfield Rd Coolidge AZ 85128-9030 520-494-5444 Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician

Step 3: Graduate from the training course and all requisite study hours

You cannot be approved to sit for the diagnostic medical sonography licensing exam in Arizona unless you have completed the required hours of clinical work and your formal accredited classes in Arizona for sonography.

Step 4: Acquire an RDMS certification in Arizona

The three major national certification assessments recognized in Arizona are outlined here. The link will also take you to details about licensing exam prep tips and much more!

Ultrasound technician salary and jobs in Arizona

The demand for ultrasound technicians is at record levels in Arizona. Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics is expecting to see a 27% in Arizona. Arizona hospitals, physicians offices and outpatient clinics are anticipated to account for the bulk of the added positions across the state. Certain government services in Arizona will also additionally hire nursing aides, orderlies and assistants. As previously mentioned, a number of of these positions could make excellent starting points for careers in the medical field. To view wage statistics for Arizona by region and county, feel free to check out the table below. The data come from the website.

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$23.39$33.49$47.64
Phoenix-Mesa-Glendale, AZ MSAHourly$24.39$39.62$48.98
Prescott, AZ MSAHourly$27.91$38.48$47.84
North Arizona (BOS)Hourly$18.92$37.27$48.33
Yuma, AZ MSAHourly$27.36$36.09$47.08
Tucson, AZ MSAHourly$26.25$35.36$46.91