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Celebrate with us and check out our list of the top HBCUs that offer healthcare programs for 2019-2020! We want to congratulate all the historically black colleges and universities on our list and all the great healthcare programs that they offer! Historically black colleges and universities are institutions of higher education in the United States that were established before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the intention of primarily serving the African-American community. Because the many of the predominantly white institutions of higher education disqualified African Americans from enrollment, it became necessary to have all black colleges and universities during the period of segregation in the United States prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Make sure you also check out our scholarship below that we are awarding to a lucky student who is attending one of the HCBUs on the list’s healthcare programs. The submission form is below and we will be awarding the scholarship on 10/1/2020. All submissions must be in by 9/15/2020. Also, be sure to check out our healthcare scholarship that we award annually along with our guide to databases of scholarship opportunities!

The Top HBCUs That Offer Healthcare Programs

The Top HBCUs That Offer Healthcare Programs


The following list reflects the top historically black college nd universities that offer healthcare programs in the country for the 2019-20 school year according to’s ranking system. Join us in saluting these outstanding institutions for their excellence and the tremendous value they provide to their students. If you represent one of the institutions on the list, feel free to grab a copy of the Top HBCUs that offer healthcare programs badge and post it on your school website so your students can share in the excitement of this accolade! Top HBCUs That Offer Healthcare Programs Ranking Methodology

To be eligible for our ranking list of the top HBCUs that offer healthcare training programs, the school must be an existing historically black college or university that offers at least one healthcare related program to their students. We then took the most current data from for net price, transfer rate, graduation rate, school size, student population and program types to come up with what we feel is a great look at what the best options for for healthcare training when attending a historical black college or university. After compiling the data, we then ranked each respective school school in each category and came up with our ranking list. For schools that did not report their data (for example: transfer rate) we gave the average score for that category. That way we were not penalizing the school entirely but were also showcasing the schools that did report all their data.

RankOverall ScoreSchool Name / WebsiteSchool AddressGraduation RateTransfer-Out RateNet Price
199North Carolina A & T State University - School Website1601 E Market St, Greensboro, North Carolina 2741153%25%$9,378
296Coahoma Community College - School Website3240 Friars Point Rd, Clarksdale, Mississippi 3861431%18%$720
389H Councill Trenholm State Community College - School Website1225 Air Base Blvd, Montgomery, Alabama 36108-319928%10%$7,532
486Tennessee State University - School Website3500 John A. Merritt Blvd, Nashville, Tennessee 37209-156130%21%$9,186
586Winston-Salem State University - School Website601 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27110-000148%30%$11,142
685Gadsden State Community College - School Website1001 George Wallace Dr, Gadsden, Alabama 3590321%14%$4,518
785Bishop State Community College - School Website351 North Broad Street, Mobile, Alabama 36603-589822%16%$4,708
883Fayetteville State University - School Website1200 Murchison Rd, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-429835%32%$5,685
983Bowie State University - School Website14000 Jericho Park Rd, Bowie, Maryland 20715-946542%20%$13,455
1081St Philip's College - School Website1801 Martin Luther King Dr, San Antonio, Texas 78203-209821%18%$4,745
1180Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University - School Website1500 S Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Tallahassee, Florida 3230751%26%$14,692
1280Spelman College - School Website350 Spelman Lane SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30314-439975%8%$39,822
1379University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff - School Website1200 N University Mail Slot 4789, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 7160129%23%$10,465
1478North Carolina Central University - School Website1801 Fayetteville Street, Durham, North Carolina 2770746%32%$12,470
1577J. F. Drake State Community and Technical College - School Website3421 Meridian St N, Huntsville, Alabama 3581114%13%$4,884
1677Claflin University - School Website400 Magnolia Street, Orangeburg, South Carolina 29115-449850%14%$19,208
1775Oakwood University - School Website7000 Adventist Blvd NW, Huntsville, Alabama 3589648%12%$25,938
1874Prairie View A & M University - School WebsiteFM 1098 Road & University Drive, Prairie View, Texas 7744635%31%$11,646
1974Jackson State University - School Website1400 J R Lynch Street, Jackson, Mississippi 3921743%NA$12,541
2074Shelton State Community College - School Website9500 Old Greensboro Rd, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35405-852222%26%$7,024
2173West Virginia State University - School WebsiteRte 25, Institute, West Virginia 25112-100029%29%$9,860
2272Lincoln University - School Website1570 Baltimore Pike, Lincoln University, Pennsylvania 19352-099947%34%$13,695
2371Johnson C Smith University - School Website100 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, North Carolina 28216-539836%10%$18,991
2471Howard University - School Website2400 Sixth St NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20059-000162%26%$19,196
2570Norfolk State University - School Website700 Park Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia 23504-800037%25%$14,824
2670Tuskegee University - School WebsiteKresge Center, 3rd Floor, Tuskegee, Alabama 36088-192042%11%$34,743
2770Denmark Technical College - School Website1126 Solomon Blatt Blvd, Denmark, South Carolina 2904215%9%$11,816
2870Delaware State University - School Website1200 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, Delaware 1990140%NA$13,234
2969University of the Virgin Islands - School Website2 John Brewers Bay, Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands 00802-999023%23%$11,367
3068Southern University at New Orleans - School Website6400 Press Drive, New Orleans, Louisiana 7012625%NA$5,976
3167Bethune-Cookman University - School Website640 Dr Mary McLeod Bethune Blvd, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114-309934%23%$15,309
3266Lawson State Community College - School Website3060 Wilson Rd SW, Birmingham, Alabama 35221-171717%27%$7,123
3366University of Maryland Eastern Shore - School WebsiteJ.T. Williams Hall, Princess Anne, Maryland 21853-129939%28%$16,606
3465Bluefield State College - School Website219 Rock St, Bluefield, West Virginia 2470126%36%$9,619
3564Morgan State University - School Website1700 East Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, Maryland 21251-000139%31%$15,814
3663Coppin State University - School Website2500 West North Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21216-369824%NA$9,689
3762Alcorn State University - School Website1000 ASU Dr Ste 359, Alcorn State, Mississippi 39096-750040%NA$14,923
3862Mississippi Valley State University - School Website14000 Highway 82 West, Itta Bena, Mississippi 38941-140029%NA$11,768
3961South Carolina State University - School Website300 College St NE, Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117-000134%22%$20,878
4061Hampton University - School Website200 William R. Harvey Way, Hampton, Virginia 23668-009958%33%$28,347
4160Voorhees College - School Website481 Porter Drive, Denmark, South Carolina 2904243%NA$17,905
4259Alabama State University - School Website915 S Jackson Street, Montgomery, Alabama 36104-027130%37%$13,029
4359Xavier University of Louisiana - School Website1 Drexel Drive, New Orleans, Louisiana 70125-109849%39%$18,227
4458Dillard University - School Website2601 Gentilly Blvd, New Orleans, Louisiana 7012242%36%$17,590
4557Langston University - School Website102 Page Hall, Langston, Oklahoma 7305013%19%$13,294
4657Virginia State University - School Website1 Hayden Drive, Petersburg, Virginia 2380639%NA$17,037
4753Kentucky State University - School Website400 East Main Street, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601-235518%38%$10,298
4853Lincoln University - School Website820 Chestnut Street, Jefferson City, Missouri 6510121%38%$10,728
4951Paul Quinn College - School Website3837 Simpson Stuart Rd, Dallas, Texas 7524120%NA$12,238
5051Southern University and A & M College - School Website3rd Floor, J.S. Clark Adm. Building, P.O. Box 9374, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 7081330%NA$15,856
5150Southern University at Shreveport - School Website3050 Martin Luther King Dr, Shreveport, Louisiana 7110711%NA$10,652
5250Grambling State University - School Website403 Main Street, Grambling, Louisiana 7124533%NA$18,009
5349University of the District of Columbia - School Website4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, District of Columbia 2000824%28%$17,350
5448Harris-Stowe State University - School Website3026 Laclede Ave, Saint Louis, Missouri 63103-21369%NA$11,245
5547Alabama A & M University - School Website4900 Meridian Street, Normal, Alabama 3576227%42%$13,956
5646Morris College - School Website100 West College Street, Sumter, South Carolina 29150-359931%47%$16,702
5745Wilberforce University - School Website1055 N Bickett Rd, Wilberforce, Ohio 45384-100118%NA$13,437
5845Fort Valley State University - School Website1005 State University Dr, Fort Valley, Georgia 31030-431328%48%$14,184
5944Texas Southern University - School Website3100 Cleburne St, Houston, Texas 7700421%35%$14,741
6043Albany State University - School Website504 College Drive, Albany, Georgia 3170519%48%$12,569
6140Benedict College - School Website1600 Harden Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29204-108629%NA$23,001
6240Morehouse School of Medicine - School Website720 Westview Drive, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30310NANA$25,055
6339Saint Augustine's University - School Website1315 Oakwood Avenue, Raleigh, North Carolina 27610-229831%45%$25,668
6438Selma University - School Website1501 Lapsley St, Dinkins Hall, Selma, Alabama 367012%36%$13,586
6538Meharry Medical College - School Website1005 DB Todd Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee 37208NANA$28,516
6631Shaw University - School Website118 East South Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 2760115%NA$18,773

The $1,000 Top HCBU Scholarship

We are proud to announce that along with our ranking of the top historically black colleges and universities that offer healthcare training list we are offering a $1,000 scholarship to a student from a school on the list! Use the form below to apply along with a 500 word essay on why you chose to attend a historical black college or university and work in healthcare. We want to hear your story! We could not be more proud to support historically black colleges and universities and it is our honor to award a scholarship to a lucky student of one of the top HBCUs! The submission form is below and we will be awarding the scholarship on 10/1/2020. All submissions must be in by 9/15/2020.

HBCU Scholarship Submission Form

This submission form is for the $1,000 Top HBCUs that Offer Healthcare Programs Scholarship offered by Be sure to put the name of the scholarship you are applying for in the scholarship name field so we can make sure we know which scholarship you are applying for (we have multiple scholarships on the website).

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