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The time could not be stronger to look in to enrollment in to phlebotomy training in Wyoming. We walk you through all the steps in the process with our free resources. Wyoming healthcare careers are growing across the state and the phlebotomy training is very similar in its growth! Below we cover all the details surrounding certification and what the future holds for phlebotomists. Lets not waste anymore time and get started!

Becoming a phlebotomist in Wyoming

The State of Wyoming does not provide its own individual requirements for becoming a phlebotomist within its borders. Regardless, the majority of local employers often hire certified phlebotomists instead of non-credentialed individuals despite the lack of a legal mandate from the state. We do not want any information left out when it comes to informing you about the certification process in Wyoming for phlebotomy.

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What are the steps for becoming a certified phlebotomist in Wyoming?

The exact steps in the easy process for becoming a phlebotomy technician in Wyoming is shown for you below.

Step 1 – Complete high school or get your G.E.D.

The very first step towards any occupation you pursue should always be completing your high school diploma. It is mandatory for getting access to the career in Wyoming. This is the case when it comes to working in medicine and health.

Step 2 – Do you have to become certified as a Phlebotomy technician in Wyoming?

Phlebotomists are not required by law to hold a certification to be able to become employed in Wyoming. Not surprisingly, there are more benefits than drawbacks to becoming certified. Even though you do not have to be certified it is very strongly recommended and will always benefit your career as a phlebotomist in the long and short term. From better chances at getting hired to better pay ceilings for the length of your career.

Recommended Phlebotomy Classes in Wyoming

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Step 3 – Enroll in an Wyoming approved phlebotomist course

Below is the full list of approved phlebotomy courses in Wyoming.

Phlebotomy tech schools in Wyoming

Casper College 125 College Drive Casper WY 82601-4699 307-268-2110 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

How to compare Wyoming phlebotomy training programs

Picking out the right program for your specific circumstances always involves some considerations. Consider the features that matter to you personally when comparing one program against another. Our goal is to make sure you choose the right program for you and your career in the field of phlebotomy in Wyoming.

Step 4 – Pass a certification examination for Wyoming

The state phlebotomy certification tests used in Wyoming are the seven primary national tests. These examinations consist of sections on all important areas of knowledge you would’ve been exposed to in your study course.

For details of the major national certification examinations administered in Wyoming click here. See what it takes to complete the exam process, what is on the certification test, what to do to succeed the day of the certification exam and more!

Phlebotomy salary and jobs in Wyoming

There’s a higher than average need for phlebotomy technicians in Wyoming. Although the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics expects a 25% increase in new jobs for phlebotomy technicians nationwide up through 2024, the agency expects to witness a 26% in Wyoming. To check out wage information for Wyoming by county and metropolitan area, be sure to check out the table just below. We only used the latest data from for the table below.

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$11.22$15.72$22.52
Casper, WY MSAHourly$11.30$16.18$19.56
Cheyenne, WY MSAHourly$10.35$13.81$18.28