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The best options for top phlebotomy training in South Dakota is detailed with our free guide below. We walk you through the process to become a phlebotomist in South Dakota in full detail. The time could not be better to enroll with the demand being so high for the healthcare career as a whole. This popular allied health position does not require a college degree and training and certification prerequisites can usually be met in as little as four months.

How to become a phlebotomy technician in South Dakota

The State of South Dakota does not have any individual requirements for becoming a phlebotomist within its borders. Having said that, nearly all area employers usually work with certified phlebotomy technicians instead of non-certified individuals even though there isn’t any formal mandate from the state.

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The certification process for becoming a phlebotomy technician in South Dakota

The steps in the easy and streamlined process for becoming a phlebotomy technician in South Dakota is precisely covered below.

Step 1 – Earn your high school diploma or G.E.D.

Earning your high school diploma is one of the basic fundamentals to finding work in any professional job. Working in the healthcare field is no different.

Step 2 – Do you have to hold a phlebotomy certification in South Dakota?

There isn’t a legal mandate to become certified in order to work as a phlebotomist in South Dakota. As you may likely assume, choosing to take some time to become certified provides a number of important benefits.

Recommended Phlebotomy Programs in South Dakota

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Step 3 – Sign up for an approved phlebotomy tech course in South Dakota

The list of phlebotomy schools in South Dakota below are all the approved programs in the state.

Phlebotomy technician schools in South Dakota

Southeast Technical Institute 2320 N Career Ave Sioux Falls SD 57107-1301 605-367-7624 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

How to decide on a phlebotomy class in South Dakota

Finding the best training for your particular circumstances always requires several considerations. Weigh your options based on the most important factors that matter to you when choosing the right school.

Step 4 – Finish the official certification process in South Dakota

The state phlebotomist certification exams administered in South Dakota are the seven main national examinations. These examinations contain sections on all major areas of knowledge you would’ve been exposed to in your training program.

The most-popular major national certification assessments administered in South Dakota are outlined here.

Phlebotomist salary and jobs in South Dakota

Demand for phlebotomy technicians is at historic levels in not just South Dakota, but across the entire U.S. Whereas the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 25% growth in new openings for phlebotomists nationally through the year 2024, the agency is expecting to find a 15% increase in South Dakota. The subsequent list features statistics on phlebotomy salary in South Dakota by location.

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$11.22$15.72$22.52
South DakotaHourly$10.36$13.13$17.01
Eastern South Dakota BOSHourly$10.28$13.22$18.58
Sioux City, IA-NE-SD MSAHourly$10.09$12.66$16.13