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If you happen to be planning on enrolling in to one of the accredited phlebotomy programs in Mississippi, the timing just could not be better. Like other health care jobs, the field of phlebotomy and venipuncture is projected by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics to see significant growth through the upcoming 10 years.


Becoming a phlebotomy technician in Mississippi

There are not any state-specific standards for becoming a phlebotomist in Mississippi. However, most local employers tend to employ certified phlebotomists instead of non-certified individuals even though there is not a legal mandate from the state.

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What are the steps for getting certified as a phlebotomist in Mississippi?

The detailed process for becoming a phlebotomy technician in Mississippi is shown below in the following four steps.

Step 1 – Earn your high school diploma or GED

The very first step towards any career you pursue should be earning your high school diploma.

Step 2 – Do you need to become certified as a phlebotomist in Mississippi?

There isn’t a legal mandate to be certified in order to work as a phlebotomy technician in Mississippi. Not surprisingly, there are many more benefits than drawbacks to becoming certified in almost all scenarios.

Recommended Phlebotomist Schools in Mississippi

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Step 3 – Finish a phlebotomist training class recognized in Mississippi

Phlebotomy education in Mississippi is governed by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences. Only those graduates who complete their schooling at a program sanctioned by this organization are allowed to challenge for certification. You can click on the links provided to browse the NAACLS listings of schools near you.

What to look for in a phlebotomy program in Mississippi

There are several things you may want to look for if you are choosing a program to enroll in. Think about the things that are most dear to you in terms of education when when comparing it against another.

Phlebotomist courses in Mississippi

The hyperlink directly below will bring you to a complete list of all the NAACLS-authorized phlebotomist schools near you.

NAACLS-accredited phlebotomy programs

Step 4 – Pass the Mississippi phlebotomy certification examination

The state phlebotomy certification tests used in Mississippi are the seven primary national tests. These tests incorporate sections on each main area of knowledge you would’ve been exposed to in your course.

The most-popular major national certification tests recognized in Mississippi are outlined here.

Phlebotomist salary and jobs in Mississippi

In Mississippi, and the rest of the country, the need is very high for phlebotomy technicians. Whereas the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects a 25% growth in brand new openings for phlebotomy technicians nationally up through 2024, the government expects to see a 17% growth in Mississippi. To compare wage data for Mississippi by county and metropolitan area, be sure to take a look at the table shown below.

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$11.22$15.72$22.52
Gulfport-Biloxi, MS MSAHourly$10.66$15.31$19.83
Hattiesburg, MS MSAHourly$11.93$13.76$19.34
Memphis, TN-MS-AR MSAHourly$10.35$13.62$18.41
Jackson, MS MSAHourly$10.58$13.25$16.91
Northeast Mississippi BOSHourly$9.99$13.25$20.35
Southwest Mississippi BOSHourly$8.95$11.91$16.90
Northwest Mississippi BOSHourly$8.60$11.64$16.73
Southeast Mississippi BOSHourly$8.43$10.94$14.52