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The time could not be any better for phlebotomy schools in Delaware due to the high demand for phlebotomy techs across the nation and in the great state of Delaware. Find out how to get started today with our free resources that just for you!

Becoming a phlebotomy technician in Delaware

There aren’t any state-specific guidelines for becoming a phlebotomy technician in Delaware. Certification is not a condition for employment, but is heavily encouraged by local employers.

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What is the procedure for becoming a certified phlebotomist in Delaware?

The easy step by step process for becoming a phlebotomy technician in DE is shown in the four steps listed below.

Step 1 – Graduate from high school or earn your G.E.D.

Earning your high school diploma is one of the critical foundations to finding work in any type of skilled position. This is the case when it comes to working in medicine and health. Even in the few cases where it’s possible to find a position without your high school diploma, the positions normally do not offer much in terms of salary or opportunities for advancement.

Step 2 – Do you have to get a certification in Phlebotomy in Delaware?

There is no legal requirement for certification to become employed as a phlebotomist in Delaware. Although there is a commitment of time and money needed in order to get certified, the benefits that this provides are significant.

Recommended Phlebotomist Training in Delaware

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Step 3 – Register for an approved phlebotomist training program

Phlebotomist programs in Delaware are obligated by state guidelines to be accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS). Only students who finish their training at a program sanctioned by this organization are allowed to test for certification. You can click on the links provided to search the NAACLS listings of schools in your area.

How to pick a phlebotomy program

Finding the right program for your specific situation always requires some considerations. You’ll want to look at the factors that matter to you most when comparing classes to see which one is best for you.

Phlebotomist classes in Delaware

The hyperlink just below will bring you to a list of all the NAACLS-approved phlebotomy technician classes near you.

NAACLS-accredited phlebotomy programs

Step 4 – Complete the Delaware phlebotomy certification process

Phlebotomy technicians in Delaware must pass one of several national certification exams to finish their certification. These exams contain sections on each significant area of knowledge you would’ve studied in your training program.

The most-popular major national certification tests recognized in Delaware are listed here.

Phlebotomist salary and jobs in Delaware

In Delaware, and the remainder of the country, the need is extremely high for phlebotomists. Through the year 2024, the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects a 19% gain in additional opportunities for phlebotomists in Delaware. The subsequent list reflects statistics on phlebotomy income in Delaware by location.

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$11.22$15.72$22.52
Wilmington, DE-MD-NJ Metropolitan DivisionHourly$13.94$17.44$22.49
Dover, DE MSAHourly$12.29$16.80$23.19
Salisbury, MD-DEHourly$11.13$15.29$23.28