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To fill the demand for phlebotomy technicians is at an all time high and the phlebotomy schools in Colorado are doing their best to fill the high demand. See our free information below to gather insight in to what it will take to get started in the phlebotomy training process.

How to become a phlebotomy technician in Colorado

Colorado does not have any specified criteria for becoming a phlebotomist in the state. As a result, phlebotomists employed in the state are not required to hold a certification – despite the fact that employers undoubtedly want to employ certified professionals.

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What are the steps for getting your certification as a phlebotomist in Colorado?

The process for becoming a phlebotomy technician in Colorado is specifically detailed in the four steps below.

Step 1 – Finish high school or get your G.E.D.

Getting your high school diploma is one of the critical foundations to finding work in any professional position.

Step 2 – Find out if you need to be certified in Colorado as a phlebotomist

There isn’t a legal prerequisite for certification to work as a phlebotomy technician in Colorado. As you could probably assume, opting to take some time to get certified provides many significant advantages.

Recommended Phlebotomy Programs in Colorado

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Step 3 – Register for an approved phlebotomy technician training class

The list below is all the phlebotomy schools in Colorado that are accredited.

Phlebotomy technician courses in Colorado

Colorado Mountain College 802 Grand Ave. Glenwood Springs CO 81601-0233 800-621-8559 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

Pueblo Community College 900 West Orman Avenue Pueblo CO 81004-1499 719-549-3200 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

Emily Griffith Technical College 1860 Lincoln Street Denver CO 80203 720-423-4700 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

Community College of Denver 1111 W. Colfax Ave. Denver CO 80204-2026 303-556-2600 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

Pikes Peak Community College 5675 S Academy Blvd Colorado Springs CO 80906-5498 719-502-2000 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

Red Rocks Community College 13300 W Sixth Ave Lakewood CO 80228-1255 303-914-6600 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

Front Range Community College 3645 W 112th Ave Westminster CO 80031 303-404-5000 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

Aims Community College 5401 W. 20th St. Greeley CO 80634 970-330-8008 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

Arapahoe Community College 5900 S. Santa Fe Dr. Littleton CO 80160-9002 303-797-4222 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

Morgan Community College 920 Barlow Road Fort Morgan CO 80701 970-542-3100 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

Otero Junior College 1802 Colorado Ave La Junta CO 81050 719-384-6831 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

Community College of Aurora 16000 E CentreTech Pky Aurora CO 80011-9036 303-360-4700 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

How to pick a phlebotomy class

There are several things you may want to consider if you are choosing a course to sign up for. Think about the features in a program that mean the most to your education and then sort the schools by that to see what schools are best for you.

Step 4 – Pass the Colorado phlebotomy certification examination

In the State of Colorado, you’ll be required to pass one of the nationally-administered exams for phlebotomy certification. These tests contain sections on every main area of knowledge you would have covered in your course.

The most-popular main national certification examinations recognized in Colorado are outlined here.

Phlebotomist salary and jobs in Colorado

In Colorado, as well as the rest of the nation, the need is extremely high for phlebotomy technicians. The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 25% growth in brand new job opportunities across the nation and a 38% increase in the State of Colorado through 2024. To check out pay statistics for Colorado by county and metropolitan area, be sure to check out the data table shown below.

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$11.22$15.72$22.52
Denver-Aurora-Broomfield, CO MSAHourly$13.14$17.06$23.07
Greeley, CO MSAHourly$13.32$16.91$21.16
West Colorado BOSHourly$12.69$16.60$22.20
Colorado Springs, CO MSAHourly$10.32$16.44$21.11
Boulder, CO MSAHourly$12.92$16.41$21.45
Pueblo, CO MSAHourly$11.46$16.36$22.27
East and South Colorado BOSHourly$12.23$15.10$18.99