Even though there are not many patient care technician programs in Montana, we will connect you with the programs near you. From Billings to Whitefish, find great PCT training in Montana! The patient care tech field, along with many other great healthcare careers are seeing tremendous growth! But there a few reasons the career of a PCT is so exciting. First, it is a quick career to enter. Typical certification timeline is 6-9 months. Second reason that the career is exciting is the overall growth. Bls.gov sees a 34% growth over the next decade. Lastly, the career is a great “stepping stone” job. You can jump to become an LPN or RN easier from a PCT than you could from a CNA or HHA due to the certifications earned in your training to become a PCT in MT.
Both a CNA and a patient care technician have similar jobs. But, the patient care tech can provide services to their patients that a CNA cannot do. Some of these services can be EKG reading or phlebotomy treatments. There are numerous ways in which a PCT can be necessary for some patient’s required level of care. This is also one of the reasons why the career is growing so much. The specialty of their care and versatility of the job are just perfect together.
How you can Become a PCT in Montana
Before anybody can call themselves a patient care technician, they will have to do the things we have laid out below:
1 – Choose a PCT training program and meet pre-enrollment requirements
2 – Pass the Training
3 – Take and pass CPCT certification test from the NHA
CPCT Certification in Montana
The NHA gives the CPCT certification to those who have passed their formal PCT training, shown proof of the program completion and passed the NHA’s PCT certification examination. The test itself is 100 questions and candidates will have 1 hr 50 min to complete the exam.
PCT Programs in Montana
Highlands College of Montana Tech 25 Basin Creek Rd, Butte, Montana 59701 2-year, Public
Montana Patient Care Tech Salary
Indeed.com shows an average pay of $17.52 per hour and $46,222 per year for Montana patient care techs.