If you want a career in healthcare that is growing and can be studied online, than medical billing and coding schools in North Dakota are a perfect fit for you! Medical coding and billing is one of the fastest growing healthcare careers in North Dakota and it is a job that can be done at home in many cases. Some medical coders do work in offices but it is very common to work at home as a medical biller and coder.
Medical coders and insurance billers are going to be in demand due to the growing senior population in North Dakota and across the United States. The time to enter the career is perfect and we can get you started today!
Becoming a medical billing specialist in North Dakota
All North Dakota medical billers and coders aren’t required by state law to have certification fork work, but the state’s employers do prefer hiring certified individuals. The national certifying bodies for coding and billing specialists are detailed at this link here. See more in-depth details about the associations that certify medical coders in North Dakota at the link above. Our goal is to get you fully informed about the whole process.
What is the process for becoming a certified biller or coder in North Dakota?
Find Medical Billing and Coding Programs in North Dakota
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Do you want to become certified as a Medical Coder in North Dakota?
There are more pros than cons to being certified. With the amount of litigation that healthcare providers have to deal with and the related rise in insurance costs, many employers now require their employees to have a certification. That being said, many employers do still hire non-certified coders and billing specialists. The benefit to getting your billing and coding certification cannot be overstated for it really will help your career grow faster and get started at a higher level. We really could not recommend it any more than we already do and it also is recommended by the state of North Dakota even though it is not mandated by law.
Complete Medical Billing and Coding training Program
Whether or not you select a certificate program, an associates degree program or get your bachelors degree, the future is bright in the medical insurance coding world. Each level of education will work for you but has specific advantages and disadvantages. Expect differing length of education depending on the level of education you select. The lengths can be 6 months to a year or two to four years.
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Accredited Medical Coding and Billing Courses in North Dakota
Dakota College at Bottineau Medical Insurance Coding Program 105 Simrall Blvd Bottineau ND 58318-1198 701-228-2277
The Dakota College at Bottineau Medical Insurance Coding Program is less than 1 year in length and is taken 100% online.
Rasmussen College-North Dakota Medical Insurance Coding Program 4012 19th Avenue SW Fargo ND 58103-7196 701-277-3889
Rasmussen College’s Medical Insurance Coding Program is taken online and can be done in a little as 9 months.
Complete internship program or get insurance coding work experience
A prerequisite for many of the North Dakota medical coding and billing certification exams is that the student must have already had work experience or finished a professional internship. Consequently, it is strongly recommended that you either go through an internship or an entry-level non-certified training position in North Dakota during your education. Internships will absolutely help your career take off and opportunities for them should not missed.
Pass Certification exam
In North Dakota, you are required to pass one of the nationally-administered examinations for medical coding and billing certification. Some of the main national certification assessments recognized in North Dakota are shown in more detail here.
Medical biller and coder salary and jobs in North Dakota
In North Dakota demand is extremely high for medical billing and coding specialists. Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 23% increase in North Dakota for medical insurance billing and coding specialists. To view salary information for North Dakota by location and county, be sure to check out the table below. All the data that we used in the data table is from the bls.gov website.
Location | Pay Type | Low | Median | High |
United States | Hourly | $12.05 | $18.29 | $30.21 |
Yearly | $25,070 | $38,040 | $62,840 | |
North Dakota | Hourly | $13.87 | $20.14 | $27.27 |
Yearly | $28,850 | $41,900 | $56,730 | |
Fargo, ND-MN | Hourly | $15.78 | $21.21 | $28.27 |
Yearly | $32,830 | $44,110 | $58,810 | |
Bismarck, ND | Hourly | $11.74 | $20.40 | $27.25 |
Yearly | $24,410 | $42,420 | $56,680 | |
Far Western North Dakota | Hourly | $13.48 | $19.49 | $25.66 |
Yearly | $28,030 | $40,550 | $53,360 | |
West Central North Dakota | Hourly | $13.44 | $18.80 | $28.66 |
Yearly | $27,960 | $39,100 | $59,620 | |
East Central North Dakota | Hourly | $13.54 | $18.78 | $24.03 |
Yearly | $28,170 | $39,060 | $49,990 |