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EMT training in Hawaii is under regulation of the Hawaii Department of Emergency Medical Services and if you attend approved classes, you will be able to move to getting certified and become an emergency services technician in Hawaii. From deciding to enroll or not, choosing your school, to the day you look for work, our step by step guide shows you the way.

Find Approved EMT Programs in Hawaii Below


How you can Become an EMT in Hawaii

Those looking at becoming an EMT in Hawaii can rest assure that if they follow the steps below they will be on the path to looking for their first EMT job in Hawaii before they know it.

Step 1: Meet EMT Program Entrance Demands

If you are at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED, you can start the process to become a emergency medical tech in Hawaii. Another common requirement is to pass a background check. Once you have met the requirements for your training, you can pick your school of choice.


Step 2: Choose a EMT Program in Hawaii and Complete it

Take and successful complete your training in emergency technical services and you will be able to move on towards your certification. You will be able to register for the NRMET exam and start studying hard for the tests. Below are the approved EMT programs in Hawaii.

EMT Courses in Hawaii Approved by the Hawaii Dept. of Health and Emergency Medical Services

Kapiolani Community College
Honolulu Emergency Services Department
3375 Koapaka Street, Suite H450
Honolulu, Hawaii 96819
Phone # – (808) 723-7800
Fax # – (808) 723-7836
Jim Howe – Director
Ian Santee – Deputy Director
EMT Program Admissions Application
Kapiolani Community College offers 400 hours of training during a one-semester course to prepare eligible students for the licensure examination. The EMT course is a 13 credit program.

Step 3: Earn Your CPR-BLS certificate

See if selected program offers a CPR certificate in to the training. IF it does you are good to go. If it does not, you will need to get one.

Step 4: Pass National Registry’s EMT Exam

Make sure you get yourself ready for the NREMT test and study hard for it. Once you pass it, you can move to the last step in the process to become a Hawaii EMT. There are two parts to the exam and you Click here for more details about the EMT tests.

Step 5: Apply for Registration on the EMT Registry

To get put on the registry, candidates will have to pay the fee of $80 and apply for the the registry within 30 days of completing your training.

EMT Salary in Hawaii

The median income and pay for EMTs in Hawaii, as well as extra regional statistics for Hawaii, is highlighted in the following table. All the data comes from the website of

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$10.52$16.05$27.40
Hawaii/Maui/Kauai BOSHourly$17.75$28.54$37.84

The job outlook for EMTs and Paramedics in Hawaii

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 17% rise in EMT and Paramedic jobs in Hawaii as well during the upcoming decade.