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Entrance in to accredited Dental assistant schools in New Mexico is made easy of you follow our guide below. We will show exactly what it will take to get started today, what you can expect to have to do to get certified, what you can expect in terms of a salary and more. Allied health workers across New Mexico are going to surprised at how good the growth is for the jobs in their field of work and we showcase that for you below!

The Premier Dental Assistant Courses in New Mexico

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What is the Procedure to Become a Dental Assistant in New Mexico?

Regulation of the dental industry in New Mexico is done by the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department. Becoming a New Mexico at the entry level, can be done relatively easily. There is not any required training and you can learn everything on the job by your dentist unless you want to perform extended functions, then you will need extended training and certification. But, chair-side tasks can be done without certification and training.

If you are interested in becoming a New Mexico Dental Assistant with State Certification in Expanded Functions, you will have to go about earning the state certification for each respective function you are looking to be able to do on the job. Rubber cup coronal polishing, topical fluoride application, and Pit and Fissure Sealant application does include specific required training or certification. We detail then for you below:

Coronal Polish – Pass the DANB Coronal Polish (CP) exam and candidates must also observe 5 procedures on children and adults.
Topical Fluoride – Pass the DANB Topical Fluoride (TF) exam and candidates must also observe 5 procedures on children and adults.
Sealants – Pass the DANB Sealants (SE) exam and candidates must also have at least 2,080 hours of chairside experience assisting patients, observe 12 procedures of on children and adults, pass the a New Mexico Jurisprudence exam and a clinical examination.

It should be noted that if you carry a current or earn a CDA certification from DANB, you qualify for each of these extended functions of dental assisting in the state of New Mexico.

There are two more positions available within the dental assisting field in New Mexico and they are the The Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary also known as an (EFDA) and a (CDHC) Community Dental Health Coordinator. Let us take a look at these roles now below.

(EFDA) Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary – They are graduates of CODA accredited training, have 5 years of continuous work with 1,000 minimum hours on the job, passed a NM Dental Board approved clinical test for EFDA certification, passed the New Mexico jurisprudence exam and they have successfully taken and also completed a 6 month apprenticeship.

(CDHC) Community Dental Health Coordinator – Under supervision of a licensed dentist, a CDHC can perform preventive, restorative, and palliative procedures on patients in New Mexico. Candidates must be 18 years old, have a HS diploma/GED, they must also have earned their certifications for radiography, rubber cup coronal polishing, topical fluoride and sealant expanded functions. Then after that they must also pass the NM jurisprudence test and complete an approved CDHC training program.

All the CODA Approved Dental Assisting Courses in New Mexico

New Mexico State University-Dona Ana Community College
3400 S. Espina Street Las Cruces 88003

Luna Community College
366 Luna Drive Las Vegas 87701

University of New Mexico – Gallup
200 College Road Gallup 87301

Central New Mexico Community College
525 Buena Vista Albuquerque 87106
505-224-4000 x50178

Pima Medical Institute – Albuquerque
4400 Cutler Avenue Albuquerque 87110

San Juan College
Dental Department
4601 College Boulevard Farmington 87402-4699

What is the Dental Assistant Outlook in Terms of Jobs and Salary in New Mexico?

There will be a lot of new jobs in dental assisting in the near future in New Mexico with a 13% growth across the state. See what the pay will be like in New Mexico below with our salary table using the latest stats from bls,gov.

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$12.24$17.76$25.00
New MexicoHourly$11.64$15.67$21.77
Santa Fe, NMHourly$12.53$18.08$24.21
Farmington, NMHourly$13.07$17.51$22.52
Los AlamosHourly$11.54$15.84$19.52
North and West Central New MexicoHourly$9.93$15.41$22.52
Las Cruces, NMHourly$12.04$15.38$45.03
Albuquerque, NMHourly$11.98$15.12$19.68
Eastern New MexicoHourly$9.56$14.93$18.91
Southwestern New MexicoHourly$9.51$13.75$20.26

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