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Online medical billing and coding schools are designed to prep their graduates to be a medical billing and coding specialist. The medical biller or medical coder plays a crucial role in the overall structure and management of all clinical billing procedures undertaken. The medical coding specialist will translate the patients’ individual medical record into nationally recognized standardized medical codes. These codes are then processed and subsequently sent to respective insurance companies by the medical billing specialists.

The overall growth of the field is growing per data and we know that becoming a medical coder has never been easier. What a wonderful combination for future coders and billers!


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Make Sure Your Medical Coding and Billing Program is Accredited

All online programs for medical billing and coding listed above are nationally accredited and recognized by the national accrediting bodies for medical billing and coding. The accrediting bodies are the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) or the Commission of Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management (CAHIIM).

How Long do Coding and Billing Programs That are Online Take?

The length of your program depends on what level of certification and education you are going after. The completion of online medical billing and coding schools is commonly done in less than a year for certificate programs, two years for associates degree programs and 4 years for those getting their bachelors degree.

Online Billing/Coding Certificate/Diploma Programs
The most common level of education for coders and billers are certificate and diploma programs. These types of online courses are offered at a variety of institutions. Most often at trade schools, community colleges and even at local vocational training schools and centers.

Look for most certificate and diploma programs online for coders and billers to last about 6-12 months and online bachelor’s degree programs to be 3-4 years in length.

Online Associate’s Degree Programs for Billing and Coding
An associate’s degree is a two-year degree most commonly earned at either a community college or trade school. The result is a better degree which could help you earn some more money and gather a higher level of certification. Saving time on your general education because it can be done online will help you get going towards certification faster!

Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs for Coding and Billing
If management is what you aspire to in the medical billing and coding industry then a four year degree is necessary. Though it may be more rare in the entry levels of the billing and coding field but at the management levels it is the norm. Most of your core courses can be done online and will save you a large chunk of your educational timeline.

How Much Online Programs for Coding and Billing Cost?

Most certificate programs that online for medical billing or coding cost between $9,000 and $15,000 to complete. The cost will vary due to the length of your educational timeline. If you are getting an associates degree than it cost more due to the amount of courses you will need to take to get your degree.

Can you get a Medical Coding and Billing Certification Online?

Yes, you can get a medical coding and billing certification 100% online. Due to the nature of the job being remote in many cases, the training can be done in an online environment as well as a traditional classroom one. Getting acclimated to the remote part of the job can be to your advantage for there medical coding jobs from home that are available to you once you get your medical coding and billing certification online.

Do you want to get a Medical Billing and Coding Certification Online?

Choosing a new career and education can be daunting. Choosing whether or not to become certified depends on if you want to really take the career serious and run with it. If you do get certified, you can reach your highest potential and will not be held back by a lack of experience, level of education or certification level.

It is possible to work as a medical biller or coder without certifications, but both options have their pros and cons. Non-certified billers and coders will always be less desirable than than certified peers, will require more training and command less pay.

What are the Top Medical Billing and Coding Certifications?

After you have chosen an accredited coding and billing online program, completed an internship or gathered work experience, you will be required to take an exam for your certification as a medical coder or biller. The certification exam, once passed, makes you a certified professional medical coder. Below are the options for certification as a medical coder and insurance biller.

(AAPC) American Academy of Professional Coders Certified Professional Coder Examination (CPC or the CPC-H Apprentice)
(AHIMA) American Health Information Association (CCA) Certified Coding Associate Examination
(NHA) National Healthcareer Association Billing and Coding Specialist Certification (also called the CBCS certification)

The Top Online Medical Billing and Coding Schools

Our data and list of the best online medical coding and billing programs comes directly from the United States Department of Labor Statistics and the National Center for Education Statistics. All these online medical insurance coding programs listed below are 100% online and are accredited by the appropriate accrediting bodies.

The Best Medical Billing and Coding Programs Available Online

Bryant and Stratton College Online Medical Coding and Billing Course
200 Redtail Rd
Orchard Park, New York 14127
The Bryant and Stratton College online medical billing and coding diploma program is a 36 credit online course that satisfies industry standards of training. Students who complete the program will be eligible to take the (CCA) Certified Coding Associate examination that is given by the (AHIMA) American Health Information Management Association. All credits earned in the diploma program can be transferred to the associates degree program for billing and coding.

Charter Oak State College Online Medical Billing and Coding Program
55 Paul Manafort Drive
New Britain, Connecticut 06053
The Charter Oak State College billing and coding certificate program is a 21 credit course that provides a structured education that prepares students to work as medical insurance billers and coders according to AHIMA standards.

Columbia Southern University Online Medical Insurance Coding Course
21982 University Lane
Orange Beach, Alabama 36561-9000
The Columbia Southern University medical coding and billing program teaches ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-PCS, CPT, and HCPCS medical coding and insurance billing. After training completion, students can take the (AAPC) American Academy of Professional Coders Certified Professional Coder Examination (CPC or the CPC-H Apprentice), the (AHIMA) American Health Information Association (CCA) Certified Coding Associate Examination, or the (NHA) National Healthcareer Association Billing and Coding Specialist Certification (also called the CBCS certification).

Grantham University Online Medical Coding Program
16025 West 113th Street
Lenexa, Kansas 66219
Grantham University’s medical coding and billing training is an online associates degree program that is 60 credits and takes 24 months to complete. The undergraduate cost for training is $295 per credit. Scholarships and financial aid are available to all students at Grantham.

Vista College Online Medical Coding Course
300 N. Coit Rd, Suite 300
Richardson, Texas 75080
Vista College’s medical billing and coding program offer diploma programs that can be done 100% online and an associates degree program. The online program is a two part online training that trains its students in anatomy, physiology, medical office procedures, medical terminology, and computerized medical insurance billing procedures. Completing the diploma program online will set students up to get their associates degree as well.

What to Expect in your Online Training Course

Virtual (Online) Classroom Settings

The online environment is changing everyday on the field of education, No field in healthcare is online more than medical billers and coders. It is a remote job in many cases and the comfort level online by the people interested in the field should be really high. If it is not, you may want to consider that for yourself before starting down the path towards certification. But that being said, all online education platforms have improved immensely and are better than ever!

Internship or Work Experience Training

Completing an internship while studying billing and coding is an important part of the training process and if you complete it your percentage of success goes up significantly. It is commonly known that most internships are unpaid. But do not forget what they allow students to gain in real life, actual working knowledge of the environment they are studying and will be working in later. Check with your program to see if any opportunities exist in the local area to your school.

Visits to the Campus

Every school and online program is different and requires different things from their students that are in online coding and billing programs. Just be aware that it may be required at some point. But, most if not all your actual training should be able to be done online. The medical coding and billing field is commonly done remotely, so the training is no different.

Minimum Technology Requirements

If you can watch Netflix at home, then your internet connection should be fine. You need a computer or laptop that is trustworthy and probably within a ten year age limit. It is very common though for students to get a laptop or computer when they start school but it is not necessary. Just keep in mind that all your studying and testing will be done online. If you can avoid major internet outages and severe computer problems, your experience with education online will be much better!

Medical Billing and Coding Jobs From Home

As we mentioned before there is no need for patient contact as a medical billing and coding specialist and if you combine that with the remote nature of the computer based job, you have a remote job made in heaven! There are numerous opportunities to work from home as a medical coder or biller and after taking an online training program you will be even more ready for that opportunity due to your training online.

Getting used to being on your own at your own computer working at your pace sounds easy, but it can be a real change that is needs to be adjusted to. If you complete accredited training online, you have mastered that aspect and along with your training you received, you will be ready to take on the many medical billing and coding jobs from home that are available to you on the job market today!

Advantages of Programs That are Online

We at are huge supporters of online education and want to show the true advantages of it for medical billing and coding students. As you can see in the infographic image and also in the detailed list below, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages immensely. Whether or not you save money and time is just the start of the advantages of online coding and billing training!

1 – Save money – Online coding and billing courses are much cheaper than traditional classes
2 – Save time – Less travel and just think about how much less parking time
3 – Set your schedule – When to study is always under your control and choice
4 – Set your own pace – Go at your speed towards online billing and coding certification
5 – Spend more time at home with family – Time in class can be long and being online you are at home

Disadvantages to Training That is Online

As with any online program, if you are comfortable in an online learning environment, than online medical billing and coding schools are for you! But, if you are not comfortable, than maybe an online course is not best suited for you. But, that does not mean you cant make it work! As we have said, the online learning environment is improving daily and getting better and better for students. Ask questions and be present online as much as you are in a traditional classroom environment and you will be just fine in your online medical coding and billing educational environment and training!

Recommended Medical Coding and Billing Training Online

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