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Ultrasound Tech Schools in NebraskaWith the medical field adding new jobs at a record rate all around the nation, there are numerous opportunities for individuals who would like to become an ultrasound technician in Nebraska.

Almost all healthcare careers in Nebraska are growing at a astounding rate and the career of medical diagnostic sonography is absolutely not any different in terms of growth potential. Below we get in to the details of ultrasound tech careers in Nebraska, the best schools in Nebraska and the path to certification in the state.


Becoming an ultrasound technician in Nebraska

Diagnostic medical sonographers use ultrasound to produce sonographic images of abdominal organs and structures, obstetrics and gynecology, thyroid, breast, prostate, testicles and newborns. The job of a medical sonographer is exciting and as you can see by the list, its important work. Below you’ll find a description of the four actions required to become an ultrasound technician in Nebraska.

Find Ultrasound Tech Training in Nebraska Now

Meet Entry Demands of the Program

Each accredited sonography or ultrasound tech training course in Nebraska will have their own requirements for enrollment in to their respective programs. Many programs want to have interviews with students even if they meet the basic requirements for entry (high school diploma).

Accredited Ultrasound Technician School in NE

University of Nebraska Medical Center 42nd & Dewey Ave Omaha NE 68198-7815 402-559-4000
Medical sonography students can earn their Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging & Therapeutic Sciences OR Post-Baccalaureate Professional Certificate in Diagnostic Medical Sonography at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. It is a 12 month program.

Bryan College of Health Sciences 5035 Everett Lincoln NE 68506-1299 402-481-3801
Bryant College of Health Sciences has a strong RDMS training programs that is a 3 1/2 Year program. It has 50 hours of General Education courses, 54 hours of Diagnostic Medical Sonography courses, 16 hours for the Vascular Sonography minor and 1305 clinical hours will be completed for graduation. Students will have easy access to three separate skills labs where they can practice on a variety of training machines. Program grads will meet all requirements laid out by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS) and will be able to apply for the licensing examination to become a (RDMS) Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer in the state of Nebraska.

Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health 720 North 87th Street Omaha NE 68114-2852 402-354-7000
The Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health has a great high tech lab training facility and offers their students clinical rotations that expose you to diverse populations, facilities and medical technology.

Finish the training and all requisite study hours

Graduating from an authorized ultrasound technician training program in Nebraska is imperative and remember that you must complete your required clinical training before you can be allowed to sit for any certification tests in Nebraska. Most sonography programs vary in length. Some certificate programs are 12 months in length and if you are getting your associates degree as well and that will take an additional year. There also RDMS programs that are 3-4 years in length and those programs set you up for the higher end of the sonography field.

Acquire an RDMS certification in Nebraska

Ultrasound techs in Nebraska are required to pass the ARDMS certification tests to finish their certification.

Ultrasound technician salary and jobs in Nebraska

The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 23% increase the demand for certified and licensed diagnostic medical sonographers and below we show you the salary breakdown by region.

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$23.39$33.49$47.64
Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IAHourly$25.60$32.12$38.74
Central NebraskaHourly$20.18$30.14$37.52
Sioux City, IA-NE-SDHourly$19.12$28.73$38.11