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If you want to become an ultrasound technician in Mississippi you have the opportunity to join one of the quickest-growing industries in the state of Mississippi. The position does not require extensive education, certification and training requirements can usually be finished within 9-12 months and can make an ideal stepping stone into higher-level jobs in the medical field in Mississippi. Below we get in to the path to ultrasound tech certification in Mississippi and more!

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Becoming an ultrasound tech in Mississippi

The four-part approach to become an ultrasound technician in Mississippi is discussed below.

Step 1: Complete high school or earn your G.E.D.

Receiving your high school diploma is one of the basic fundamentals to finding work in any type of specialized job and will be necessary for any entry in to accredited ultrasound technician training programs in Mississippi.

Step 2: Enroll in an approved ultrasound technician school in MS

The list below is all the approved RDMS programs in the state of Mississippi.

Hinds Community College 608 Hinds Boulevard Raymond MS 39154 601-857-5261 Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
Jones County Junior College 900 South Court Street Ellisville MS 39437 601-477-4000 Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician

Step 3: Complete the NC training program and all mandatory study hours

The required hours of clinical training in Mississippi must be met before you’re permitted to sit for any certification tests and you must have also finished your accredited diagnostic medical sonography program in Mississippi.

Step 4: Earn your RDMS certification in Mississippi

We break down the details about the sonography licensing exams and detail each of the main national certification tests administered in Mississippi here at this link.

Ultrasound tech salary and jobs in Mississippi

Demand for ultrasound technicians in Mississippi is growing at astounding levels. With the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 23% increase in brand new positions for ultrasound techs in the state of Mississippi. Expect employers across Mississippi to hire at hospitals, physicians offices and outpatient clinics are projected to account for the majority of all new positions. There will also be some need at state and federal government organizations and facilities. No matter the job setting, these opportunities are going to provide significant time learning under the guidance of specialized medical personnel, physicians and various other professionals the ultrasound tech might like to at some point advance into. Below you will find a list of the major towns and cities in Mississippi and even more specifics on ultrasound tech and diagnostic medical sonographer compensation by location and county. The data used comes from the website of Gaining access to top notch accredited ultrasound tech schools in the state of Mississippi today and get started on the path to success!

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$23.39$33.49$47.64
Jackson, MS MSAHourly$24.50$30.62$38.07
Southeast Mississippi BOSHourly$22.43$30.62$59.09
Southwest Mississippi BOSHourly$22.16$30.34$39.08
Gulfport-Biloxi, MS MSAHourly$20.71$30.09$37.89
Memphis, TN-MS-AR MSAHourly$21.35$29.91$39.97
Northwest Mississippi BOSHourly$22.66$29.73$39.49
Northeast Mississippi BOSHourly$20.02$29.33$38.96
Hattiesburg, MS MSAHourly$21.25$28.38$37.00