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As a result of extraordinary growth in the region’s health care field, the need for qualified phlebotomists are at a historic high and those people considering attending phlebotomy schools in Kentucky are sitting pretty. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts historic expansion in not only the local health care employment marketplace, but specifically for phlebotomists as well. Certified phlebotomists are important technicians who obtain blood samples and other tasks.

How to become a phlebotomy technician in Kentucky

There are not any state-specific guidelines for becoming a phlebotomist in Kentucky. Having said that, nearly all local employers have a tendency to hire certified phlebotomy techs over non-certified individuals even though there is not a formal requirement at the state level.

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The process for becoming a phlebotomy technician in Kentucky

Becoming a phlebotomy technician in KY is summarized in the following steps.

Step 1 – Finish high school or get your G.E.D.

Receiving your high school diploma is one of the critical fundamentals to becoming employed in any specialized job.

Step 2 – Do you need to become certified as a phlebotomist in Kentucky?

There is not a legal requirement to become certified to work as a phlebotomist in Kentucky. While there is a commitment of time and money required to become certified, the advantages that this gives you are significant.

Recommended Phlebotomy Schools in Kentucky

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Step 3 – Enroll in a Kentucky approved phlebotomy training program

Below is the full listings of approved phlebotomy training courses in Kentucky.

Phlebotomy technician classes in Kentucky

Spencerian College-Lexington 2355 Harrodsburg Rd Lexington KY 40504 859-223-9608 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

ATA College 10200 Linn Station Rd Ste 125 Louisville KY 40223 502-371-8330 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

Spencerian College-Louisville 4627 Dixie Hwy Louisville KY 40216 502-447-1000 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

American National University-Lexington 2376 Sir Barton Way Lexington KY 40509 859-253-0621 Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist

What to search for in a phlebotomy school in Kentucky

Picking out the best course for your specific situation usually requires some considerations. As you compare your choices, you may want to take all the most important factors that you have taken into consideration and sort all the schools in Kentucky by them.

Step 4 – Complete the Kentucky phlebotomy certification process

Phlebotomy technicians in Kentucky need to pass one of the seven national certification tests in order to receive their certification. These tests include sections on every main area of knowledge you would have been exposed to in your training program.

Several of the main national certification assessments administered in Kentucky are listed in full detail here.

Phlebotomist salary and jobs in Kentucky

In Kentucky, as well as the remainder of the nation, the demand is extremely high for phlebotomists. Through the year 2024, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects an incredible 36% increase in additional jobs for phlebotomists in Kentucky! To view wage information for Kentucky by county and metropolitan area, be sure to check out the data below.

LocationPay TypeLowMedianHigh
United StatesHourly$11.22$15.72$22.52
Cincinnati-Middletown, OH-KY-IN MSAHourly$10.75$15.22$19.13
Louisville-Jefferson County, KY-IN MSAHourly$10.81$14.54$19.13
Owensboro, KY MSAHourly$10.44$14.23$18.63
West Kentucky BOSHourly$9.93$14.14$18.72
East Kentucky BOSHourly$10.26$13.82$18.76
Lexington-Fayette, KY MSAHourly$10.59$13.64$18.25
Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH MSAHourly$10.07$13.51$18.71
Evansville, IN-KY MSAHourly$10.30$13.32$18.23
West Central Kentucky BOSHourly$9.62$13.03$17.96
Bowling Green, KY MSAHourly$9.85$12.74$17.10
Clarksville, TN-KY MSAHourly$9.86$11.81$16.39
South Central Kentucky BOSHourly$9.76$11.29$14.26